Modifications Kawasaki Ninja 250R 2010 (Limited Edition)

Here is a modified Kawasaki Nija 250 CC output in 2010

This list modification:
- MRA Windshield
- Single seat carbon
- Carbon Muffler CLD
- New Michelin Tires 160 (blakang) 120 (front)
- Tankpad carbon
- Brake line swage
- Rear Hugger r6
- Undercowl atech
- Close the brake fluid atech
- Underbone KTC
- Radiator Nassert Beet
- Radiator guard
- Speedometer KOSO RX2
- Handle brake + clutch japan
- Hand Grip + jalu KTC
- Close context
- Close the KTC oil
- Water Filter NUI
- Jetting kit Sportisi
- CDI Computer Cheetah
- Coils YZ125
- LED brake lights
- Fender eliminator active
- Stabilizer KTC
- Spool arm + custom paddock (DPN blakang)
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